Top 3 Septic System Basics To Know

What do you know about your septic tank system? You may know the role it plays and its overall importance to the function of your home or business, but homeowners should also understand three important aspects about the septic tank system. For quality, professional septic tank service in Gainesville, FL, schedule a service appointment with Jones Plumbing & Septic Tank Service.

1. Know The Location Of The Septic Tank

If you don’t know, where the septic tank is located, it is important to find out or contact a professional who can assist you in locating the system. Understanding the location of the septic tank allows you to keep an eye out for warning signs, such standing water, foul smells and an overly green or fast-growing area on your lawn (due to the area being fertilized by a sewage leak). Any of these indicators point to a leak or septic tank issue that warrants repairs.

Septic Tank Being Installed In Alachua County, Florida

2. Understand That Routine Maintenance Is Necessary

It's easy to forget about your septic tank system until an issue arises. However, scheduling regular septic tank cleaning in Gainesville, FL, every three to five years can ensure your system is clog-free and operating well. Additionally, planned septic maintenance can help extend the lifespan of the unit. Depending on the tank size, the number of people using the tank, and how often it is maintained, our experts will pinpoint the most effective service:

  • High-pressure water jetting
  • Bacterial additive
  • Effluent filter installation
  • System clean-out

3. Don’t Build Or Park On The Septic System

Our septic tank company in Gainesville, FL cannot stress enough the importance of not building or parking on top of your septic tank or drain field. This is another reason to know where your system is located!

Septic Tank

Never build, drive or park on top of your septic tank. Whether it is a deck, home expansion, shed, swingset or another structure, it is never recommended to build on top of your septic tank. The weight of the structure can damage your septic system, not to mention that it will be cause complications in having your system pumped or serviced if it is beneath your new carport!

Drain Field

The function of the drain field is to absorb and filter wastewater. The soil that is located under the drain field requires oxygen for the soil microbes can effectively treat the sewage. If the drain field is parked, driven or built upon than a number of things can happen, such as the following:

  • The oxygen cannot reach the soil to treat the sewage
  • The drain field lines can collapse
  • The soil can compact and impede the filtering of wastewater

Overall, it is best to know where your septic tank is located so that you do not ever drive, park or build on top of your drain field or septic tank. Clear access to the septic tank system is necessary for everything from routine maintenance to furthering the lifespan of the system.