Things to Consider Before Installing a Septic System

A quality septic system can filter wastewater for you and your family for up to 20 years while allowing you to treat your own water without relying on the local infrastructure. Before installing your new septic system, be sure to check our list of things to consider. By thoroughly following these tips, you can ensure that your pipes and tank are clean and functioning properly for years to come.

Still have questions about septic system installation? Contact Jones Plumbing & Septic Tank Service for septic tank services in Gainesville, FL or to learn more. We're happy to help!


Assess Your Property

Make sure you place your septic system where it is easily accessible in case you need to perform repairs. This location should be at least five feet away from your home. A flat, empty space is ideal for installing a septic system. If possible, try to avoid areas near tree roots. These large, sprawling roots can cause blockages in your septic system.

Test Your Soil

Get the dirt on your dirt! For your new septic system to function properly, your soil needs to be able to retain plenty of moisture. Check the soil in your backyard to see if it can handle excess water or run-off. This requires conducting a percolation, or perc, test. You don't want a drain field overflow! Gravel and sand mixed into your dirt can help filter and drain your water.

Educate Yourself On Septic Maintenance

It is important to prepare yourself for the future maintenance that comes with operating a personal septic tank system. Septic tanks need to be inspected and cleaned every 2-3 years. Talk to an experienced professional about how to take care of your tank. This way, you will know how to resolve problems as you encounter them easily.

Know What Size You Need

Pick the size and type of septic system that works best for your family. You need a septic system that can handle your home's daily water use. The more people living in your household, the larger the septic system you will need.