Lift Station Services In Gainesville, FL

Due to the state's high water table, Florida septic and sewer systems have restrictions on how deep they can be placed underground. A lift station—also known as a pump station—is instead used to safely move wastewater into the main sewer line and toward the wastewater treatment plant, when gravity alone is insufficient. Our team at Jones Plumbing & Septic Tank Service perform expert wastewater lift station maintenance, repairs, and installation services in North Florida. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive lift station inspection!


What Are Lift Stations?

Lift stations are designed to transport wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher one. These facilities are useful for those seeking to reduce the capital cost of sewer system construction, compared to gravity sewers. This is because when gravity sewers are installed in deep trenches, complex excavation equipment is required, racking up the sewer line installation cost.

The process is simple. Incoming wastewater is collected in the wet well. Once the collected water reaches a certain level, sensors activate the pumps, which send the wastewater into the discharge pipe. This pipe carries the sewage from the lift station to the wastewater treatment facility. All these individual components work in perfect unison to properly dispose of sewage. If even one part falters, the performance of the entire lift station is jeopardized. As such, annual sewer lift station maintenance and repairs are crucial to preventing environmental and property damage.

Professional Lift Station Maintenance


Preventative lift station maintenance can prolong the lifespan of your facility. The state of Florida recommends that all lift stations have a service contract with a septic tank or maintenance provider. Because lift station components experience near constant wear and tear, these annual service checks are invaluable for efficient operation and sewer system quality preservation.

At Jones Plumbing & Septic Tank Service, our plumbers are trained to clean pumps and floats, test alarms and backup systems, and inspect electrical connections. Our Florida plumbing company performs the following lift station services:

Electrical Component Inspection

Our team can identify worn or faulty electrical connections before they become a serious issue.

Collection System Pipe Cleaning

Our plumbers will clean out the pipes to remove blockages and ensure proper flow.

Wet Wells Check

OOur team will regularly pump out and clean wet wells to prevent the build‑up of solids, grease, and odors.

Alarm System Test

The alarms in a lift station alert when the wastewater content inside the wet well is above a safe level. Our team will test to ensure that these alarms function optimally.

Lift Station Repairs

Whether due to aging, natural disasters, extreme pressure, or corrosion, lift stations will eventually need repairs. Lift station issues should be addressed promptly to avoid costly system breakdowns and serious safety concerns. Otherwise, commercial businesses and property owners may experience unpleasant odors, pump failures, collection system backups, wastewater accumulation, or flooding.


Lift Station Installation

A quality lift station—when well‑maintained—can last between 15 and 20 years. At Jones Plumbing & Septic Tank Service, our plumbers use advanced equipment and cutting‑edge technology to replace old or faulty lift stations.

First, our plumbers will conduct a thorough site evaluation to determine the best location for the lift station. We will also take into account the size and type of your current wastewater system, along with the average volume of wastewater that your property produces.

Once a lift station type is chosen, our technicians will begin to install the system in accordance with local safety regulations. After all components are connected, our technicians will complete the installation process with a complete system test. This gives our clients peace of mind that their new lift station is operating as intended.